NameBlock is a marketplace for domain name blocking services, designed for registrars and registries to offer the industry's most comprehensive blocking solution to end users around the world!
NameBlock integrates with any Registry to enable our blocking services. Contributing to less DNS abuse, while providing increased revenue.
NameBlock's API allows registrars to seamlessly connect and offer NameBlock's tiered packages to customers during the checkout process when registering a domain name.
NameBlock offers an easy, effective, and efficient means of brand protection to secure trademarks and product ideas on the internet.
If you are a Registry there is a simple API integration from your backend service provider into the NameBlock system that enables Registrars to offer blocks across your extensions.
Registrars can easily integrate with NameBlock via an API that allows you to see available extensions and block levels, and offer them in your standard customer purchase flow.
NameBlock offers registries the opportunity to enhance the integrity of their registry, generate additional revenue and [what else].
Using NameBlock’s algorithm, end-users are able to block popular terms used in Phishing, Malware, and other cases of DNS abuse and are unlikely to be otherwise registered. Registries benefit from a DNS Abuse free Zone and […]
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